Bees are communal and they all have a part in taking care of one another, and in turn they are taking care of us as well. Bees are our most impressive pollinators. They are busy bees, helping humanity have food while they go about feeding themselves.
They are amazing and they are not doing well, due to many reasons. Read about one of them here https://bit.ly/2EZoAOu.
So on behalf of the bees HoneyBeMe is giving a portion of all profits to help bees thrive again. Through helping people learn how to have their own bees and other programs. We can all help by buying local honey, having our own bee hives, bee gardens, or giving to local bee organizations. And just being aware of what hurts them so that we don't hurt them unintentionally.
Bees are such an integral part of life on this planet and have a special place in my heart. My hope is that we can all help them come back stronger than ever before.